The programme MedMij
MedMij started out as a programme, that in recent years mainly focused on developing the MedMij Trust Scheme and the information standards required to effectively exchange data in the same language.
The foundation MedMij
Stichting MedMij was founded in 2018 to represent the MedMij perspective and independently evaluate if a party may join MedMij as a participant. If a party can demonstrate that it complies with the Trust Scheme, the foundation will sign a participant agreement with the party in question. That is how the foundation ensures that all participants can exchange data in a MedMij compliant format. The foundation may take unilateral action if a participant fails to comply with the agreement.
Until 31 December 2019, the programme and the foundation coexisted. On 31 December 2019, the programme was discontinued and its tasks were incorporated into Stichting MedMij. As of 1 March 2020, Marc van Dijk has been appointed as CEO of Stichting MedMij.
CEO Marc van Dijk
‘Based on my experience with and interest in ICT developments and innovation in healthcare, I became the director of MedMij. My biggest challenge is further optimizing digital data exchange between healthcare professionals and Personal Health Environments (PHEs). As a connector, I like to commit myself to that. I see enormous potential of PHEs with the MedMij label for every resident of the Netherlands.’
Board and management
The Foundation’s board consists of director Marc van Dijk and a Supervisory Board consisting of Roland Kip, Monique Kappert and Jan Hobbelen. The Board oversees the finances and the implementation of the strategy described in the MedMij Roadmap.
It is important that the healthcare sectors, IT suppliers and especially citizens are involved in the further development of the MedMij Framework. That is why the MedMij Foundation has had a Field Council and a Citizen Panel since 2025. The Field Council consists of healthcare providers, CMIOs, citizens and MedMij participants. The Citizens’ Panel ensures that patients/citizens have a voice in the further development of PGOs.
MedMij Foundation collaborates with various parties in the further development of the MedMij Framework. Such as the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport and the Dutch Patients Federation, but also parties such as Nictiz, Interoplab, VZVZ and Vecozo. Nictiz and Vecozo play an important role in the qualification and acceptance process that parties must go through in order to become a participant. The qualification is done at Nictiz, the acceptance is done at Vecozo. The final decision to award the MedMij label lies with the board of the MedMij Foundation.
If you’d like to know more about our vision and mission, check this page.